
Climate cooperation increasingly becomes a highlight of China

知识gjcgh2024-10-23 19:26:59A+A-

The<strong></strong> Ministry of Ecology and Environment holds a monthly press conference on April 28, 2024. Photo:Shan Jie/Global Times

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment holds a monthly press conference on April 28, 2024. Photo:Shan Jie/Global Times

The collaboration between China and the European Union in the realm of climate change has seen significant advancements. This cooperation has increasingly become a highlight of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two sides, according to an official from China's top environmental authority on Sunday.

"Climate change is a common challenge facing all of humanity. Both China and the EU, as influential developing and developed economies, respectively, attach great importance to addressing climate issues," Pei Xiaofei, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), told the Global Times at the ministry's monthly press conference on Sunday.

The two sides have a solid foundation for climate cooperation. In recent years, they have issued joint statements on climate change, jointly initiated ministerial meetings on climate action, and signed and implemented a memorandum of understanding on enhancing carbon emission trading cooperation, conducting fruitful policy dialogues and practical cooperation. 

"Climate change cooperation has increasingly become a highlight of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Europe," he noted.

From April 8 to 11, a delegation representing climate envoys from the European Union and member states France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark successfully visited China. 

During their visit, Special Envoy Liu Zhenmin and Deputy Minister Zhao Yingmin met with their European counterparts to discuss the focal points of the multilateral climate process, respective climate policies and actions, and China-Europe climate cooperation, according to Pei.

"Both sides agreed to implement the important consensus of Chinese leaders, deepen climate dialogue and cooperation, and jointly promote global climate governance," he introduced.

In 2020, China and the EU decided to establish a China-EU High-level Environment and Climate Dialogue and a China-EU High-level Digital Cooperation Dialogue, and forge China-EU green and digital partnerships.

This action not only enriches the strategic content of China-EU cooperation but also provided a systematic framework for China and Europe to jointly address the challenges of the era, Pei said.

China is willing to work with Europe to deepen planning cooperation in areas such as international climate negotiations, carbon markets, climate adaptation, and climate finance, and to make a positive contribution to the global response to climate change, he said.

According to the Dutch Embassy in China, the envoys learned about the impacts of climate change on China and visited the State Grid Corporation of China to discuss challenges and solutions related to integrating renewable energy into the power grid. 

The embassy's report highlighted that this visit marked a crucial step in China-Europe climate diplomacy and laid the groundwork for successful future cooperation. Constructive and regular dialogue between the EU and China is deemed essential for enhancing mutual understanding.

China's climate envoy Liu, before the visit, told the Global Times at an event in South China's Hainan Province that "our exchanges aim to strengthen the sharing of experiences in responding to climate change. The dialogue between China, Europe, and the US mainly focuses on how to effectively maintain measures against climate change and the multilateral process of global climate change."

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