Oil tanker refloated after breakdown in Suez Canal

Tugboats refloated an oil ­tanker that was briefly stranded in Egypt's Suez Canal late on Wednesday after a technical fault with its rudder, the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said.

The 252-meter vessel, Affinity V, had drifted to obstruct the southern section of the ­canal while traveling in a southbound convoy of ships around 17:00 GMT, shipping and canal sources said.

SCA sources said shortly ­after 22:00 GMT that traffic had returned to normal.

The incident occurred in the same single-lane stretch of the canal where a giant cargo ship, the Ever Given, ran aground in March 2021 and was stuck for six days, disrupting global trade.

According to ship monitoring service TankerTrackers, the Aframax tanker Affinity V seemed to have lost control while heading south.

"She temporarily clogged up traffic and is now facing south again, but moving slowly by tugboat assistance," TankerTrackers said on Twitter shortly after news of the refloat.

The SCA released footage of the tanker being escorted in the ­canal by tugs. By Thursday morning Refinitiv ship-tracking data and the Marine Traffic website showed that the Affinity V had passed through the canal and was in the Gulf of Suez.

After the Ever Given ran aground, the SCA had announced accelerated plans to expand the canal, including extending a second channel that allows shipping to pass in both directions along part of its course and deepening an existing channel. Work on the expansion is due to be completed in 2023.


