
Factory workers use pantyhose to steal gold in workshop优质

84414次浏览 | 2024-10-23 21:31:16 更新
来源 :练达老成网
Creative photo of gold metallurgy. Photo: CFP

Creative photo of gold metallurgy. Photo: CFP

 Police in Shanghai recently cracked a case of embezzlement, identifying a factory worker who used stockings to steal gold substances from a production line for a profit of over 120,000 yuan ($18,800).

On November 5, the head of a company found that the loss of gold-containing solution on one of the company's production lines in the past two months was abnormal, and reported the case to the police. The police later found that around 3 am on November 9, a factory worker surnamed Zhang secretly put a pair of pantyhose into the gold solution to absorb gold. About 3 hours later, Zhang was caught on the spot when he was trying to hide the gold-soaked pantyhose into his coat. 

Zhang confessed that he had started stealing the gold since January 2020 with another colleague. When the gold substance was extracted from the gold trough, they evaded the company's security checks, refined the gold and sold it. Later, Zhang joined with another person to commit the crime. Zhang alone made a profit of more than 120,000 yuan.

Zhang and his colleague have been criminally detained by the police on suspicion of embezzlement. The case is awaiting trial. 

Global Times


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