
Law graduate arrested for replacing temple's QR code on donation box with his own优质

45349次浏览 | 2024-10-23 20:28:29 更新
来源 :练达老成网
A screenshot from media reports

A screenshot from media reports

A man in Northwest China's Shaanxi Province who replaced the QR code on a temple's donation box with his own was arrested by local police in Baoji city, Shaanxi, according to media reports on August 4.

Following an investigation, it was revealed that the man is a law graduate from a prestigious university, who roamed across various regions in Southwest China's Sichuan Province and Shaanxi, committing crimes, stealing over 30,000 yuan ($4,180).

Many Chinese netizens were surprised to discover that the thief was a law graduate from a prestigious school. However, this incident doesn't stand as an isolated case of someone stealing money from a temple's donation box.

An individual surnamed Xing also repeatedly visited various temples in Changping and Mentougou districts in Beijing and stole more than 5,000 yuan from donation boxes. Xing was convicted of theft and sentenced to six months in prison, and ordered to repay a total of 5,000 yuan to the temple, according to media reports on August 1.

According to the Criminal Law of China, theft of public or private property, in large amounts or committed multiple times, shall be punishable by imprisonment for up to three years, detention and may also be fined.

For steading large amounts or in serious circumstances, the sentence shall be imprisonment for a term of three to 10 years, to be coupled with a fine. For particularly large amounts or extremely serious circumstances, the sentence shall be imprisonment for more than 10 years or even life imprisonment, a heavy fine or confiscation of property may also be imposed.

Global Times


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